So, since moving into the new place, I have been doing a little more work, especially without the interents to distract me.
First up is a shirt. Here is is before the neckline was gathered:

And here it is, with the gathered neckline. It sits quite low on the shoulders. It was going to be smocked, but for some reason the selvage at the top started to fray, so I had to enclose it in a little piece of linen:

There are just the sleeve cuffs (hand), and the hem (machine) to sew. So almost finished.
I also dug out the head-wear for pixi, and re-assembled it. I figured out why I gave up on it for so long - the couched on pearls aren't staying put, and wobble about, and I got annoyed with them. So, I'll pick them off and re-do them and then it will be done (at last!):

Next up is some older brass stuff, which is an attempt at making a badge/pin for my hats. Most people wearing my kind of hat (the general black velvet/wool tudor thing that everyone wears) have a brooch or jewel on it. So I'm doing my heraldry. These ones aren't quite right, so I may need to etch the bits before enameling, or score in the lines with a knife. More on this when I get to making 'em. The one on the left is freehand painted and the right has the gold chevronelles cut out and superglued on, and then enameled in the middle bits;

And, been doing a little more design-y work on Baron Benedict's coronet (as started in my previous post). I'm really not sure I want to have sharp pointy bits at the peaks, as per my previous image, so I have a few ideas worked out on paper and cardboard. (Business cards are perfect for this!)

But what I like the look of most is the bottom image here;

for aesthetics, anyway. I'll talk to bene and see what he thinks. The wavy one seems to Riverhaven-y for my liking, and the sharp bits are an issue. In the bottom image, the top points would be pearls, obviously.
Last of all, some quick photos of my new place.


Note that the outside is -way- better than it was - this time two weeks ago there were four or more dead cars here, and a -lot- of rubbish, animal byproducts/remains, and peices of construction materials. Junk, basically.
